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andrew chan

“Bless Indonesia.

Bless Indonesia.”

That was what Andrew Chan was calling as they led him and the others into the field and over to the firing posts. Then they sang. All seven of them.

Amazing Grace.

When they faltered Chan urged them on, and when he was tied to his post he asked the soldier to leave his glasses on.

To see better.

Earlier in the day a couple of the Indonesian soldiers had embraced the condemned prisoners. After all, they were just men ordered to commit murder by men who would not.

“Bless Indonesia, ” the prisoners called.

All seven men resisted the blindfolds, ‘no, thank you,’ and Chan began to sing 10,000 Reasons as the riflemen formed their line. They sang the first verse. The Officer-in-Charge allowed that. And he allowed them to begin the second verse of Tom Redman’s song.

“Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me
Let me be singing when the evening comes.”


then silence,

… a pistol shot.

Now they are all slumped, and reddened.

Andrew Chan died a drug-running, criminal, Christian Pastor – he waited ten years to be shot, and when he decided in what manner he was to die, and precisely where he was to go, like all good men he took others with him.

‘Bless Indonesia.”

Andrew Chan.

2 Comments Post a comment
  1. sjh #

    Sitting down for a hand or two of chance , you do just that…….

    June 13, 2015
  2. I reckon he will win the hand, played out in time.

    July 7, 2015

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